Nieuwsbrief 18 – 28 oktober 2008

28 oktober 2008

Geachte orgelliefhebber,
Twee onderwerpen voor de nieuwsbrief:

1. Drie-daagse excursie naar drie bijzondere instrumenten met professionele toelichting en orgelpresentatie.
Ontvangst in Zandvoort met koffie en Bossche Bol en in Heiloo met Westfriesch Krentenbrood, twee overnachtingen met diner en ontbijt, CD presentatieconcert door Aart Bergwerff in Halmstad met aansluitend een receptie, een gratis exemplaar van deze bijzondere CD, de heen en terugreis met luxe tourincar incusief alle transfers en leuke ontmoetingen met andere orgelliefhebbers.
Dat alles kunt u meemaken op 15, 16 en 17 november aanstaande. Via de pers en de website van orgelbouwer van Pels en van Leeuwen is een reis langs drie bijzondere orgels in Zandvoort, Heiloo en Halmstad gepromoot. Vanwege de sluitingsdatum van 31oktober nogmaals dit mailtje. Alleen bij een minimale deelname van 30 personen kan de reis doorgang vinden, dat aantal is tot op heden niet bereikt. Als u nog wilt meegaan wilt u dan wel zo snel mogelijk uw boeking bevestigen bij Kras Reizen, via een link op onze website kunt u rechtstreeks boeken.
De reis staat met alle details, uiteraard ook over de instrumenten, aangekondigd op onze website, u kunt daar ook intekenen.
Als u meer gegadigden in uw relatiekring hebt die belangstelling zouden hebben zou ik het op prijs stellen als u deze wilt enthousiasmeren om mee te gaan.
Wanneer u dat beter zou uitkomen is het natuurlijk ook mogelijk in Zandvoort op te stappen of in Heiloo aan te sluiten. Pels en van Leeuwen zaln een en ander nog verifieren nadat u heeft ingetekend.

We hopen u te mogen verwelkomen op 15 november aanstaande.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Peter van Rumpt
Kerkorgelbouw PELS & VAN LEEUWEN B.V.
Platinalaan 10 
T 073 641 29 51
F 073 642 50 55
E info(at)

2. Organist voor het seizoen 2009/2010

The Irish organist Malcolm Proud, a former pupil of Gustav Leonhardt at the Sweelinck Conservatory in Amsterdam, has recently released a CD of J.S. Bach’s Clavier Ubung Bk.3 recorded on the Metzler Organ in Stein am Rhein, Switzerland last February. This CD is receiving excellent reviews. He is now hoping to organise some recitals across Europe in 2009/2010. I am writing to ask if there is a possibility of a recital in the Brabant Organ Series? If you would like a copy of the CD please let me know and I would be happy to send it to you. – Susan (Proud)

Malcolm Proud – Biography
In 1982 Malcolm Proud won first prize at the Edinburgh International Harpsichord Competition. Artists with whom he has worked include sopranos Emma Kirkby, Julianne Baird, Nancy Argenta, Isabelle Poulenard, Lynn Dawson and Lenneke Ruiten, flautists Wilbert Hazelzet and Lisa Beznosiuk, violinists Maya Homburger, Pavlo Beznosiuk, Monica Huggett, Nadja Zwiener and Elizabeth Wallfisch, bass viol players Sarah Cunningham and John Dornenburg, and cellist Stephen Isserlis. He has performed harpsichord concertos by Bach with the Chandos Baroque Players in Montreal, Calgary, Ottawa and Pasadena, the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment under Gustav Leonhardt in London and Birmingham and the English Baroque Soloists under John Eliot Gardiner in Zürich. As a continuo player he participated in John Eliot Gardiner’s Bach Cantata Pilgrimage in 2000, toured Japan in 2001 with tenor Mark Padmore in the Purcell Quartet’s production of Monteverdi’s Orfeo in Tokyo, Osaka and Mito, and in 2005 played in a reconstruction of Bach’s St. Mark’s Passion with the Academy of Ancient Music in Lucerne. Malcolm Proud has given baroque chamber music recitals throughout California and New England including Harvard University, the Frick Collection New York, London’s Wigmore and Queen Elizabeth and Conway Halls, the Barbican, St. John’s Smith Square, Oxford’s Sheldonian Theatre and in many of Britain’s other leading concerts halls. He has given organ recitals on the historic instruments at Valère-Sion in Switzerland, Ottobeuren near Munich, Fagervik in Finland and Udine in Italy. He has given organ recitals throughout Ireland, Antwerp Cathedral, Aveiro in Portugal, and Perchtoldsdorf, Maria Enzersdorf and Propstei St. Gerold in Austria. His recording (on the Maya label) of pieces from Bach’s Clavier Übung III recorded on the Metzler organ in Stein am Rhein in Switzerland earlier this year was released in August 2008. His recordings for EMI, Virgin Classics, Meridian, Hyperion, Claddagh, Maya, Centaur, DG Archiv include Bach’s Goldberg Variations, the 5th Brandenburg Concerto with the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, the six sonatas for violin and harpsichord with Maya Homburger and the three sonatas for bass viol and harpsichord and Marin Marais’ suites with the American viola da gambist John Dornenburg. He has also recorded Purcell’s harpsichord music. He has toured Ireland several times with violinist Monica Huggett and the Irish Baroque Orchestra appearing as soloist in Bach’s 5th Brandenburg Concerto at the National Concert Hall in Dublin. With Maya Homburger and Camerata Kilkenny he has performed Biber’s Mystery Sonatas in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. In 2007 their CD recording of the Mystery Sonatas was awarded the Preis der Deutschen Schallplatten Kritik. In 2007 he and Maya Homburger were invited by John Eliot Gardiner to play Bach’s sonatas for violin and harpsichord at the Anima Mundi Festival in Pisa. Malcolm Proud is a full time lecturer on the BA Degree Course in Music at the Waterford Institute of Technology and organist and choirmaster at St. Canice’s Cathedral in Kilkenny where he and his family live.

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